Friday, June 30

IT equipment recycling links

Before you recycle your PC or IT equipment
Recycling websites

Anti-virus and anti-malware

Are you worried that your computer may be infected by virus or malware? Are you concerned that your computer may be hacked into and important information stolen?

There are many users that do not have any virus/malware protection on their PCs. Yet many more do not keep their PCs up-to-date by installing updates. To help you understand how serious this problem is, consider this. Windows computers that are not running Server Pack 2 and always online are vulnerable to attacks from the Internet. They may get infected with virus or hacked into even before the user visits a website or opens an email. This is because there was a security hole in Windows golden version and service pack 1 that the built-in firewall isn't functional at the early stage of computer start-up. It is not uncommon that such computer gets infected with virus or hacked into for just being online for 5 seconds. Yes, this is how serious the problem is. I'd never recommend anyone to start using a Windows computer without installing all the important updates first. I have included some links to information you should know and free software you may install to boost the safety level of your PC.

Here's how to tell whick service pack your Windows XP is running:
  1. Click the "Start" button on the task bar.

  2. Right-click on "My Computer".

  3. Click on "Properties".

  4. On the "System Properties" screen, click on the "General" tab.

  5. Look for the words "Service Pack 2". If your Windows XP computer doesn't have service pack 2, you must get it at once. If you are running Windows 2000, the latest service pack is SP4.

PC Safety 101 for beginners: Consolidated Malware Solution Thread rev .091

Anti-virus software comparation sheet: AV-Comparatives

My recommendation for anti-virus (FREE for home personal use): avast! 4 Home Edition

My recommendation for anti-malware (FREE for individual use): SpywareBlaster 3.5.1

If you are not the type who regularly seek for new updates for your Windows and you are not paying the network bandwidth by usage, you should set up automatic updating to download and notify you of new applicable updates to your PC. If you have other Microsoft products than Windows installed on your computer, you should opt in to the Microsoft Update service. Once opted in, the automatic updating feature on your Windows will get it up-to-date with the latest updates for Windows and your other Microsoft products. Note: automatic updating works for Microsoft Office 2003 only if Office was installed FOR ALL USERS. Also Office XP users may need to go to manually for updates.

So here are the steps to take to enable automatic updating for your Microsoft products on Windows XP:
  1. Go to Microsoft Update and sign up to the service.

  2. Change your automatic updating settings to download automatically applicable updates and to prompt you to install when they are ready.

    1. Click on the "Start" button on the task bar.

    2. Right-click on "My Computer".

    3. Click on "Properties".

    4. On the "System Properties" screen, click on the "Automatic Updates" tab.

    5. Select the "Download updates for me, but let me choose when to install them." option.

    6. Click "OK"

Another effective approach is to have a firewall set up on a router. That way most incoming network packets are pre-filtered by the router before hitting your computer. You may use such firewall to safely allow yourself to fetch the needed update that plugs the security hole I mentioned at the beginning of this article.


Wednesday, June 28

Desperate Housewives

A recent AFA newsletter depicted the TV series as follows:
"Desperate Housewives confronts viewers with themes of adultery, sexual promiscuity, and deceitfulness portrayed as the norm. The program gives the message time and again that the end justifies the means. If sexual immorality, lying, and manipulation can get you what you want, then it's okay."
I have never watched this program even once, but I knew that it was popular. Can someone who has watched this program share his/her thoughts on this?

Tuesday, June 27

Making PC-to-PC calls wirelessly

In a few days, I will be able to make Windows Live Messenger (formerly MSN Messenger) voice calls anywhere at home. You may wonder what's so good about this one compared to other Skype wireless headsets. The unique advantage of this phone is that many people are already using Windows Live Messenger and have lots of friends added to their contact lists. The user does not need to switch over to another application and to set up another account to do PC-to-PC voice calls and instant messaging. They can simply get the headset and start making calls. In case you are wondering, you can also make "land-line" phone calls with this headset. I am aware that as a first generation product, it may suffer from many bugs. But I am also thrilled about the possibility it brings to my daily life.


Sunday, June 25

To you all kidults and entrepreneurs

Serious Study: Immaturity Levels Rising
Jennifer Viegas, Discovery News

Friday, June 23



夢寐以求的廣告殺手--Avant Browser。以修改hosts檔案來防廣告的日子,後會無期。

Labels: ,


A: "肉絲炒麵兩面黃。Two face yellow."



B: "Most women, me included, ..."






Thursday, June 22


There is no word of comfort that I may offer. The well of life is dry. I must seek new strength so that I may share it with you. I pray to the Lord that He answers the question one day. I must look past the fake of the moment and bring back the true hope that will never perish. That in heaven reads the hearts of the righteous and the wicked. He will bring the ultimate judgement and grace to us all on His day. On that promised day love reunites, evil condemned, and His people will live with Him forever. I, as a brother in Christ, pray and look forward to that day eagerly. That day justice and smiles will be returned to the sheep of the Lord.


Wednesday, June 21


A couple of articles I read before going to bed.

How to Use Question Marks Correctly - learnt something new again.

UBC Engineers Create Vehicle that Travels from Vancouver to Halifax on a Gallon of Gas - way to go!

What's disgusting?

I don't think anyone would disagree with the following:

- pretending
- selfish
- irresponsible

Some people may include:
- meat-eatng/carnivorous

Speaking of which, I wonder why there are few parades or strikes or campaigns against those who eat meat.

But how about these ones?

- disrespectful
- evil
- unclean
- unjust

Do you believe in an absolute ruler that measures those qualities (or lack of them)?

Indeed, when you think of it, why people cannot come to agreement on these words. Maybe, it's just me who's not agreeing with the majority. Before making any more comments on anyone, there is one thing I must do-"love thy enemies." Before I can humble myself to do just that, I will never have the right to comment on others. Because, that would be exactly what it takes to be in good terms with anyone in Christ. On the other hand, how should I show what is righteous to God to those who hate me? It is important that I must remain in faith toward my Savior and my Lord and not swayed from the truth.

I found the anwer in 1 Thessalonians (5:13b-15 BBE):

... Be at peace among yourselves. And our desire is that you will keep control over those whose lives are not well ordered, giving comfort to the feeble-hearted, supporting those with little strength, and putting up with much from all. Let no one give evil for evil; but ever go after what is good, for one another and for all.
Let it be a reminder to all of us in our daily life, at home, at work, and at church.

In the meantime, it's for my best to keep my month shut.


Let me guess

Where was this poster found? What is the pride of being gay?

Where... let me guess...

Gay bar?
I know, I know, it's company's cafeteria, right? (Bingo.)

And pride... hmmm... let me guess...

... ehh... don't give me the answer yet...

... about ... well... about...


Monday, June 19



Friday, June 16



這已經是老掉牙的說話。但因為個多月前的一張永安母親節抽奬劵,收到了永安越洋寄來的電郵廣告。(其實也認識不少人在北美使用以.tw作domain name的電郵地址。)電郵上只有廣告,沒有一句提起抽奬的事,我也沒有在意。可是,我不甘心收到多而又多的spam mail,差點便去信永安投訴。這樣,我才由永安聯想到當天填在抽奬劵上的資料。於是取出了一直放在銀包裡的抽奬劵,即管去電郵上記載的永安網址看看。一如所料,首頁上刊登的已經不再是母親節的禮品,而是父親節的宣傳。禮物圖旁的「孝敬價」,是指用我們辛苦賺回來的錢財孝敬永安,還是孝敬我們的父親?價目旁的禮物,是因為孝敬的價格高才值得買,還是因為孝敬的價格低才值得買呢?叫我哭笑不得。


Tuesday, June 13

Absolute Terror Field

There was a famous Japanimation that created the term Absolute Terror Field (Chinese link). In short, ATF is the protective wall a person has built around him/herself. It is difficult to, but it's not impossible to penetrate this defense, say using a really powerful weapon. However, the question is: is there a way to remove the ATF but not to corrupt the person inside?

You have the power to do everything. I have not. Please release us captives of the Hedgehog's Dilemma. Amen.

Bus Uncle

So much I was like him. Let's-shake-hands but then why-did-you-warn-me-though-we-shaked-hands that kind of thinking. How would you call it--getting even?


Sorry "Bus Uncle Dan". There's no such thing in Christianity. Do you want to follow God's will? Be everlastingly loving to all, and be just on all matters. But you see? You don't have the grounds on both counts. So pack up and stop feeling sorry. God's grace is enough for you, remember? That's a long way for you to go. A long way.


How may I become less reactive to any kind (both just and unjust) of accusations?

Conservation of love

I recall why I put on a t-shirt that says "you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, strength and mind, and your neighbour as yourself. -Luke 10:27" It was to remind me to love others more, especially in the days of frustration like these.

I have a hypothesis. I call it "conservation of love". In other words, how loving a person is = how much love he or she has received * how receptive he or she is / how selffish he or she is.

So with that conjecture, there are a few ways to make a person more loving:
  • Let him/her receive more love
  • Make him/her more receptive to love
  • Make him/her less selffish
Given that I don't love others enough (I presume you would agree with me), I should learn how to be more receptive to His love and become less selffish.

My mind was then shifted to Paul's definition of love in the New Testament.
Love is never tired of waiting; love is kind; love has no envy; love has no high opinion of itself, love has no pride; Love's ways are ever fair, it takes no thought for itself; it is not quickly made angry, it takes no account of evil; It takes no pleasure in wrongdoing, but has joy in what is true; Love has the power of undergoing all things, having faith in all things, hoping all things. (1 Corinthians 13:4-7 BBE)

Walk closer to Him and He shall bless with the promise of love.


I have enough support from friends, right? Isn't it silly not being able to let go of the frustration? To learn from the situation... I eagerly want to. It seems too much to swallow. It seems too tight a schedule. Whining and whining? Nope. That's not why I am writing now, though I almost fell into that trap. The conclusion I drew from the situation may be this--frustration can only be resolved by enlightenment, grace and time. Enlightening is the word of God. It's always righteous yet comforting for the soul. Graceful are those who care to spend time on me. I know that one day I will look back and laugh at myself for the silly emotion I wore in these days of my life. Before then, with the help of you all, I am guided to look at the light of our Savior... so bright that covers the sins of the world. Are things too small to be frustrated about? Do I deserve the rights to complain at all? These. No. Longer. Matter. If there is a way to live your life in my heart, I must learn how. Now. Learn from the situation? If He showers His blessings on me... if He.

Nonetheless, thanks for the encouraging words that ultimately pointed me back to the His word. Pray with me that I can be productive enough to get done with work and start preparing for bible study, most importantly, with a thankful and peaceful heart.


Sunday, June 11

Theo Walcott

First thing first, I do not know anything about World Cup and very little about soccer. But I just ran into a YouTube video about Theo Walcott this morning. He was an amazing show. World Cup fans should already know that he, only 17, was named in England's squat last month. No, I am still not a soccer fan. But I won't mind watching him play at all.

Saturday, June 10

Martial arts on

I have grown to become a fan of these days. In particular, my personalized Google home page yesterday showed something appealing to me: How to Choose a Martial Art. I was curious about martial arts because a friend of mine educated me a little bit on karate earlier this week, and because I haven't been doing a whole lot of exercise. To my untrained eye, the article was a pretty good material about the subject. After all, I am a guy and was curious about what to do in a fight, eh... just in case. So I followed the see-also links one after another onto articles such as How to Avoid a Confrontation, How to Win a Street Fight, How to Walk Away from a Fight, How to Take a Punch, How to Fight, and a whole bunch of articles about Jiu Jitsu. Before then, I had no clue what it was. (For those who are as curious as I am, here's a sample link for your taste.)


Friday, June 9

ESL employee

(ESL = English as second language)

After all, English is not my first language and I do tend to think more in my Cantonese mind than anything. During today's meeting, my second-level boss mentioned dates involving the words like "August" and "September". I had to stop listening for a short while to translate those into something that my mind could process. Nope, I ain't saying I didn't know what those words mean. It's just one of those times that takes me a fraction of a second to interpret English words into something I can paste onto my mental canvas.

My employer has revamped the way how it evaluates employee performance. It is now less comparative among peers but more focused on setting reasonable commitments and achieving them. During the speech, I couldn't help but thinking of each "successful" coworkers I know and about their mindset in achieving their successes. It immediately came to me that they shared something common—they were really excited in what they did at work. I admit that I have problem recognizing the positive impact my job has on others. Maybe that makes me not as excited when I come to work each day. Does that mean I do a crappy job? Not so. I am still very diligent at what I do. But maybe I have not got a "sacred" vision in the works I performed. Without vision, we end up working for just our own integrity and interests. The end result is not hard to figure out: losing out on agility and competitiveness over time. And it's not hard for the management to sense that one lacks the enthusiasm to push his/her service to the next level. What does all these means? With the change to the evaluation system, peer pressure has been lessened to an unprecedented level. It should not take more time for one to show his/her true work attitude. Let's hope that I can climb up from the ruins. In fact, I pray to my Lord to see His will on me at work. Pay attention to how He wants to use my gifts to serve others.


Thursday, June 8

[Reuters] Officials faulted for not singing karaoke

Read article

給rhklam兄:志向、感受和道德這回事,很難和game theory的世界涵接吧。還是應該說,這種不肯唱K就要員工寫悔過書、不懂走位的公司,養不了真正的天才呢?

[] Microsoft Struggles to Improve Worker Morale
[] Microsoft unveils new worker perks

Wednesday, June 7







Something's wrong

I was interested in some theological materials on a website. Most of its contents required (free) registration. Here are the set of information the website asks for during registration. The symbol "*" indicates a required field.

* Email Address
* First Name
* Last Name
* Password
* Country
* Province
* Gender
Year of Birth
* Education
*Year accepted Christ
* Church Country
* Province/Region of Church
Church City
* Church
* full-time pastoral staff or missionary or seminary student
Serving Position

I did not mind providing my real information for the sake of receiving the service it provided. But then I noticed that the personal information it asked for was to be submitted through an unencrypted network connection. So I wrote a couple of emails to its webmaster regarding the issue. Below are my emails and the response from its webmaster.

Dear <my name>,

We believe that our system is secured. Actually what information you are going to be record in our system: address, only city and no number of road, no postal code, no date of birth but only year, no...but...

If you think these informations are important to you and do not want to be record, then even if you send a fax or mail, there will be a chance that someone may steal them during the process.

The decision is yours, you need to believe us and God, especially this is a Christian organization, will God protect it?

Webmaster, <initial of their website name>

---------- Original Message ----------------------------------


Subject: <Their website name>: Secured registration option

Dear Sir/Madam,

I was going to register on the website but later noticed that the registration page that asked me for my personal information wasn't secured. In other words, the information could be stolen during transmission easily as it would be transmitted without proper encryption.

Is there a secure way I can register to the website?

Thank you.

<My name>
I was shocked when I received the webmaster's response. Wasn't it a legitimate for me to concern about the safety of my personal information? It would be easily understood if the reason was the lack of resources to implement better security for the registration process. But that did not seem to be the case according to the response I got. In front of our Lord, how do we strike a balance between the desire for security and the faith in Him? Are the two really mutually exclusive? My answer seems to be no. Satan is the king on the earth, until the final battle is won. Jesus permitted us to protect ourselves from harmful elements in this life. This is based on my understanding on Luke 22:35-38. Given we share the same faith, we should get into an agreement, as Christians are not meant to have unresolved conflicts. I am not seeking a simple workaround. Or I could have already completed the online registration with fortified information. I am still on the path to come up with an acceptable solution to both parties.


Tuesday, June 6

Articles I read today

AP on MSNBC: Microsoft to boot Acrobat out of Office
... for whose who care about Microsoft or Adobe or have a need to save documents into PDF files.

Newsweek on MSNBC: Rwanda: An HIV Survivor's Story
... are you listening??


Monday, June 5





Sunday, June 4





Saturday, June 3

HOW-TO: Fold a paper rose

Instructions on
