Wednesday, January 25

US Copyright information


It's time to remove the lyrics on my sites...


Awesome tabletennis play

View video

Sunday, January 22

Is it pure luck?

All I did was I opened the tile showing 4. Watch what happened in the next 6 moves...

Is it pure luck?

Let's find out the possibility of this:
4/8 * 3/7 * 2/6 * 1/5 * (51-4)/(16*16-3*3) * (51-5)/(16*16-3*3-1) =
1/2 * 3/7 * 1/3 * 1/5 * 47/247 * 23/123 =
3243/6380010 =
0.00050830641331283179806928202306893 or
0.050830641331283179806928202306893% or
1 in 1967.3172987974098057354301572618

Quite amazing.

Friday, January 20




More sunlight!


Thursday, January 19

Ottopus hunts shark

Watch the video here

This is very bizarre. What makes it more special is that the video was recorded at Seattle Aquarium and I just visited the place last month. The original admission fee for adult is $12. But those who work for my employer need to co-pay only $3 for the admission. And the employee can bring one guest with her/him at the same rate. One may say that the place isn't that big. To me, it's worth the $3 that I spent. Thanks Rick for sending me the link.

Wednesday, January 18

A break from rain

There has been 27+ consecutive rainy days in Seattle. And finally, we had a break in the afternoon last Sunday.
A break from rain


Environmental breakdown

I had a discussion with a friend about environmental devastation that our civilization has created. I do agree that the technologies we have enable us to explore new sources of energy to alleviate the energy and environmental issues. The key problem, however, is our social values and our behaviors resulted from them. I can think of at least a handful human factors leading to environmental breakdown but I am not going to discuss them here. Recent news:

World's big polluters fund cleaner fossil fuels
<quote>Six of the world's major polluters... stressed they will be reliant for generations on polluting fossil-fuels that underpin their economies.</quote>
Read the full article
China, India offer ecological wake-up call: report
<quote>The Washington-based institute's "State of the World 2006" report said... If China and India, each with more than a billion people, were to match by 2030 the per capita use of resources of Japan, "together they would require a full planet Earth to meet their needs."</quote>
Read the full article
Tell me again: what should I do at the personal level and as a member of the society?





Tuesday, January 17

Getting RSS feeds from Xanga

A couple of friends blog with I have been having a couple of problems with this blogging site. I'll talk about those later.

I started using Google's Reader ( to get RSS feeds last week. There are a few annoying usability issues. Yet I like it because it is free, I can check my feeds wherever I have Internet connection, and that it re-uses my GMail login.

I have put my friends' blog feeds into the reader one by one. I have been successful in doing so for MSN Spaces and However it wasn't obvious how to get RSS feeds from There is simply no indication on the blogging site.

But again, this is not just a problem of mine. A quick search on brought me to the right solution. Here it is:

Now that I have added my friends' blogging sites on into the Google Reader, I have encountered the next issue: the Big-5 feeds shown in the Reader are completely unreadable, no matter which encoding I pick within Internet Explorer.

There are always something far more important than checking friends' blogs. So reluntantly, I will continue to open up those blogs in a separate browser window. I do think that I made the right choice for choosing over

PS. If there is an easy way to get Big-5 feeds to show correctly in Google Reader, I'd still be interested to know. Thanks.

Wednesday, January 11

RE: Scientists Finally Figure Out How Bees Fly

My position is that it's not hard to notice all the amazing works in the nature, especially human beings, as displayed through our intelligence and morality. I am saddened because of many's continous denial of the maker of the beautiful nature, who has created it way before we discover just how a bee fly.
"People in the ID community have said that we don't even know how bees fly," Altshuler said. "We were finally able to put this one to rest. We do have the tools to understand bee flight and we can use science to understand the world around us."
Read the full article
See others' responses to my post on this. (requires Yahoo! login)


Monday, January 9

Medley: 嫉妒 信從 不體貼 總結

神藉著pre-bible study所查的經文勸戒我要信從。




之前買過一款朱古力條作禮。看見它的外觀頗討好,自己再去grocery shopping時便順手買了一罐給自己。原來真的很好吃,而且有一點忍不住手的感覺。今晚再想吃的時候,想起自己的生活多麼的豐裕。又想起有那麼多不幸的人每天淒苦地過活,或淒苦地離世。又想起自己個"仔"在印尼可能連朱古力也未看過一眼,自覺慚愧。

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今天找到了材料,開始了。可是在step 21,看極instructions都唔明,是得bu(即係stuck咗)。花了一小時多,加上友人相助,仍未能衝破。現在只好暫時撤退。來日再戰。


Sunday, January 8





Thursday, January 5

More pics from LA!

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