Monday, August 25


雞精: 滅蟲記(Iolite's Vanity 堇青色梳妝檯)

[dr_house_hk] 什麼是書虫?原來書虫又叫作衣魚
親子王國 » 家事百科 » 點樣消滅e魚

光影塗鴉Pika Pika

有沒有人聽過Pika Pika? 看呆了...

Shadow13's 光影塗鴉Pika Pika初體驗

同場加映PIKA PIKA 2007 on YouTube

Saturday, August 16


美研究顯示 潤膚乳液增加老鼠皮膚癌風險 (法新社)8月15日 星期五 13:50

印度官員倡食鼠肉抗通脹 (明報)8月15日 星期五 05:10

商戶收信用卡手續費違指引 (明報)8月15日 星期五 12:20

美優質樓按斷供急增 按揭市場恐爆新危機 (明報)8月16日 星期六 05:10

福田深切懊悔日本過往傷害亞洲人民 (星島)8月15日 星期五 16:02

全美首例 加州率先禁餐館使用反式脂肪 (法新社)7月26日 星期六 18:05

講開又講 明信片珍藏展 (星島)8月15日 星期五 06:30

Friday, August 15

Office - it's a flight simulator

I recall that one of the old Office versions had a 3D flight simulator built in as an easter egg. Yet it hadn't come to me that the new "ribbon" user interface on Office 2007 look like the control panel of an aircraft. Nice analogy there, Edward.

Edward says:
i write soemthing negative about office 2007. hope you don't mind
*help DD - Jesus my friend says:
hahahahaaha... why would I? hhahaha a product has to be criticized to become a good product, right?
Edward says:
: )
Edward says:
actually i think the office 07 looks like flight simulator
Edward says:
the "traditional" format since word 6.0 has been totally changed...

Friday, August 8

Get Smart - Control Defence

Addictive online game


Saturday, August 2

Flash Face


Friday, August 1

You've made it!

$0.2 is donated for each participating user. $2 for every ten. $20 for every hundred. So $229500 means...

Thanks for your support! I am happy that so many people in the online community want to share their love with those suffered from the disaster. ^__^

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