Monday, November 17

Morality in Our Heart

There is a new TV commercial on air in HK. The HK gov created a pretty stylish ad against tolerance towards corruption at workplace. The first question I would have, as the finger pointer, is whether I would be affected by it. Then I recalled Bill Clinton's sex scandal and how it was played down publicly. Now no one cares if it has ever happened.
With those thoughts I came to a conclusion that any person would--our hearts decay along with our tolerance to evil. I could have avoided the E word. Yet, I would then be tolerating sin out self-pity-ness. I suppose some do not think of anything wrong between Clinton and Monica, for they do not put value on fidelity. Convenience and satisfaction of flesh are far more meaningful to them. In a global trend towards higher degree of freedom and sensational satisfaction, morality is determined to be kicked out of homes, schools and workplaces. Once it was the crux of the constitution, now it's a word that is forbidden in our daily lives. We live in an era in which efficiency weights over personality. When we talk about work ethics, it's only about tolerance towards all kinds of preferential differences. As a society, we have at will given away our responsibilities to steward within ourselves, for ever higher gratification and less guilt among others. I then recall in Genesis how Cain killed his brother Abel over jealousy. When the Lord asked Cain where his brother went, Cain lied. The all-knowing Lord spoke that the land had complained to Him of the blood it received of Abel. It uncovered the murder to the Lord. During our lifetime, we just go along with the injustice of the age, go on with our personal gratification and let alone the cry of the innocent and the righteous. Until the day the Lord comes find us.
