Tuesday, June 13


I have enough support from friends, right? Isn't it silly not being able to let go of the frustration? To learn from the situation... I eagerly want to. It seems too much to swallow. It seems too tight a schedule. Whining and whining? Nope. That's not why I am writing now, though I almost fell into that trap. The conclusion I drew from the situation may be this--frustration can only be resolved by enlightenment, grace and time. Enlightening is the word of God. It's always righteous yet comforting for the soul. Graceful are those who care to spend time on me. I know that one day I will look back and laugh at myself for the silly emotion I wore in these days of my life. Before then, with the help of you all, I am guided to look at the light of our Savior... so bright that covers the sins of the world. Are things too small to be frustrated about? Do I deserve the rights to complain at all? These. No. Longer. Matter. If there is a way to live your life in my heart, I must learn how. Now. Learn from the situation? If He showers His blessings on me... if He.

Nonetheless, thanks for the encouraging words that ultimately pointed me back to the His word. Pray with me that I can be productive enough to get done with work and start preparing for bible study, most importantly, with a thankful and peaceful heart.



At 6/13/2006 5:47 PM, Blogger rhklam said...

What gave you these emotions all in a sudden?

At 6/13/2006 6:56 PM, Blogger Dan^2InHim said...

Thanks for asking. Several tiny incidents that happened during the week. One by one causing my frustration flying off the chart. Now I am back to normal. Compared with those truly in need, those stuff weren't worthy of my complaints. But I was very thankful to those of you who have shown your care.


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