Saturday, November 25

What's better?

What's even better than something "definitely awesome"?

The answer is different to each of us. While it's okay to have our own dreams, fulfilling it though may make us lose focus on what may not be as seemingly lovable but in essence far more important. In reprospect, I should lean more on my ego and superego and less on my id. What does that mean in words one can understand? I should train myself to strengthen my memory on past events and stories from which I have learnt lessons from. Why, because I am good at concluding lessons to learn from each incident but am poor at recalling these lessons when they are needed. I don't know about you but I associate my failure to reshape myself with my inability to remember these lessons to begin with. And I presume the most effective way to recall them at the right time is by putting more efforts in memorizing the events and stories which have given me these lessons. Do all these sound like making a big fuzz out of nothing to you? Oh well, that's me, the person who believes in the integral links between thoughts to actions. Think of it as an EQ improvement project, if you like.

Back to the original question. For me, the answer lies in tonight's The World of Narue.

PS. Just found out the producer of the anime series was 芦田豊雄, who also produced 魔神英雄伝ワタル many years back. No wonder I just fell for the series when I first watched it.



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