Monday, November 20

25 for $25 - Campagne Restaurant

What's better than being picked up from home, treated dinner at a really nice restaurant, and sent home afterwards? The puff cake was a great sensation and the duck leg was plainly delicious. It wouldn't have been cheap if not because of the annual Twenty-five for $25 Dine Around Seattle.

There are a couple of Japanese restaurants that I want to try before year-end.



At 11/21/2006 3:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Musashi's is a must!!
it's economical and yummy!!!
The chirashi is not on the menu but it is so filling with many fresh yummy delicious sahsimi =)

BTW:it was really nice to see you, QQ n Wing the other day =) We should go to Mushashi's together one evening... I bumped into QQ one evening here, I have a feeling this is one of the places she likes to visit =)

At 11/23/2006 9:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...



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