Friday, October 20

Language barrier in the digital age

As I got this PDA from HK, so that it lets me read and write in Big-5, I am used to working with English (US) on my home computer. This creates a problem: my home computer can't properly list the folders and files on my PDA that are named in Chinese. And because of that, ActiveSync fails to transmit folders and files with Chinese names in either directions. The current workarounds are 1) to rename a folder/file to English before transferring; and 2) to change the codepage settings of the home computer to properly support Big-5. Either workaround is suboptimal.

How much I'd like ActiveSync to have an additional option to automatically convert folder and file names between Big-5 and Unicode. Who would help me with that?
Microsoft Character Code Conversion Routines For HKSCS-2004

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At 10/22/2006 12:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have the same problem with my palm and deskclock. I have to keep everything in English, especially when my desktop's default language is simplified Chinese (GB)... (because the menu of some applications is in simplified Chinese.)


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