Monday, May 14

It was Mother's Day

In the morning before Sunday service, went to a market and got a couple of boxed carnations for both my mom and my brother's wife.

After Sunday service, rushed to New Star restaurant in Causeway Bay to join my family for dim sum. Everyone there was in a hurry so the service was poor. The only good thing was that it wasn't that expensive on such an occasion. Everyone headed their own ways ran out of the restaurant. Used a coupon to get a free bottle of fish oil. Then got a call from mom--it appeared that mom needed some company. Thus, headed back home only to find that she already went out with my little sister.

Headed down to join them in the supermarket. Sat down at Pokka cafe for an cup of afternoon tea and listened to her old stories once more. And it made me wonder--can we go ahead in our remaining days like when we were young? I want to remain forward-looking when I get old and play the latest games with my grand kids rather than repeating the same old stories to them. May God enlighten me today how I may live with vigor and cheers till the day my body returns to the earth.

We got a much delayed delivery of a new dining table before we headed out to Happy Valley for dinner. It has been 10+ years since we last visited this restaurant. Like before, it offered free juices. We ordered baked lobster with cream, a big fish and a couple other dishes. The lobster tasted really good but the rest were quite salty. Maybe it had to do too much OJ mixing with the cream, I ended up with a tummy ache. The bill was not cheap at all but still much more manageable then going to a buffet.

As our party couldn't fit just one taxicab, I took a walk to my sisters and brother around the horse-racing field to the nearest MTR station. My sisters went many meters ahead of me and my brother. Was it a sign of lack of communications? Was it a sign of lack of openness or love? Was it just because that's our comfort zone even among our family members? This is unchanged from many years ago. How can we break through? I know before anyone else I need to be the one to open up and to truly care and love my family. May Jesus forgive and help me overcome my selfishness and pride.

There were a couple of interesting incidents that I want to add:
  • These days my parents are used to seeing my thanksgiving prayer before meals. Now when I forget to say my thanks, my mom would remind me about it-- Isn't it amazing? May the Lord keep me both steadfast and gentle among my family.
  • But don't be happy too fast... the other night my mom also tried to show me how well my nephew could bow to the Taoist altar at home. The good side of things is that my parents already gave up asking me to do the same.



At 5/16/2007 10:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was so touched to hear about your mom's gentle reminder to you- prayer before the meal- yes I see your latter comment about the Taoist... i am still so very happy... little steps at a time are sometimes far better than large steps =)

Lord God, we place their hearts and souls in Your hands- please gently open their hearts and draw them near to You!

At 5/16/2007 11:24 PM, Blogger Dan^2InHim said...

Mimi, thanks for the prayer. It was very sweet of you. I do mean it. May the Lord gradually open your dad's heart to the gospel just the same!


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