Tuesday, May 8

Your Dan Dan

A collection of memories about a person who acquired his nickname Dan Dan in Seattle five years ago. These are your memories. He was your Dan Dan. As his spokeman, I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for all the precious moments we shared, good and bad alike. Most likely Dan Dan will evolve in his new environment into someone different but I pray that he won't ever forget those five years with you. I request your prayer when my name crosses your mind for never letting go of His hand.

Dandan 1 2

.再見 .

Auld Lang Syne

2002 vs 2007

Farewell Dan Dan


If you read till this line, I wanna thank you for bearing with me for such a long time. Moreover, hereby I apologize to my Vancouver friends for not doing enough to keep in touch and for having never posted any personal pics on my blogs. Many times I put only my best foot forward and hid much away from you. Sorry for not being frank enough, keeping part of my life away from you. I deserve to be called a deceiver. Here I hope you may take a better peek into my life in the last few years from the eyes of the others. This was still not my full life but this was pretty much all the selfish heart in me would let me do right now.



At 5/08/2007 12:49 PM, Blogger Dan^2InHim said...

I am convicted to say that I dislike those who just check on others simply b/c of curiousity. A common defense is the question "why would you post something that you don't want others to see?" My response is another question "why would you exploit anything you can lay your hands on and expect others to protect themselves from you?" Oh well... those were just a couple of conflicting and accusing thoughts stemming from my unforgiving personality. I am saying it in unrealistic hope that those who offend me would pick up their conscience. And I am saying it just to show you who I am inside.


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