Wednesday, April 4

My Daddy Long Legs

Was discussing the story My Daddy Long Legs this afternoon over IM. Still believe that Daddy Long Legs was either a person with low EQ or a conman. Though the story had a happy ending, such ending doesn't necessarily justify the means how he kept Judy in the dark about his dual roles in her life until the very end. I admit that no one is perfect. I recall there was a scene where Judy read a letter from him explaining that he was sorry for not telling her the truth all those times. Having the benefit of the doubt, he in my mind had such low EQ that he couldn't resist the appealing Judy.

All these are not to say that I have any higher EQ. In fact, I consider my EQ at the south side of the chart. But there is just a higher standard that I must abide by. While I may fall in the process, there is still no convenient excuse I should make or ponder upon, as we are already given the Way of Life. With Him, we no longer need to live with guilts or regrets. A righteous life is all but impossible to pursue. May God shower us with wisdom and His Word to help us make daily and seemingly trivial decisions that may take a toll at our spirituality before we even aware. Amen.



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