Tuesday, July 31

A matter of knowledge and time

Little was I aware of the difference between reading news from newspapers or over the web and watching news on TV or listening to news on the radio. These days I can quote on my blog video feeds from YouTube, or I can quote articles from websites. But there's also a difference between the two. The difference lies in whether you are a speedy thinker or a slow thinker. A slow thinker when facing the TV or listening to the radio, has little time for him or her to discern what's subjective or objective in the reports, because s/he cannot pause to digest or rewind to focus on an overlooked statement. It is typical in such case to come up with a conclusion based on the view taken by the graphics, tone and incomplete information presented by the journalist. TV and radio as media to report news certainly have their own advantages. In a society where everything must be done in the shortest time possible, it appears that the advantages of reading have been gradually overlooked. Instead, we have been bombarded by advertisements, on the billboards, in the shopping malls, on the carrying tray, while waiting for an elevator, in the train, on the bus, on all printed daily reading materials, from all kinds of media, since childhood, till we return to dust, day in and day out. As long as there is consumerism, our perceptions, our senses will never escape from being abused. Discernment is the only weapon we have against being told where to go, what to eat, which brand to wear (if we should ever care about branding in the first place), and where our money should be spent. Knowledge is the material our weapon works on and time is the fuel it must be powered with. In order to regain one's own will, s/he must segregate herself/himself from some of the ever persuasive yet delusive trends. I've got no more to say. You are responsible for completing the rest of your own story.



At 8/03/2007 2:00 PM, Blogger rhklam said...

Interestingly, nowadays in the society the voice apparently teaching you to think independently ACTUALLY purposely causing delusion to your logic.

At 8/07/2007 5:11 PM, Blogger Dan^2InHim said...

Good point. That's why we need to be careful about the mesages we expose ourselves to.


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