Monday, July 16

Love is free

Willingness is my wager
Oughtness is a completely different matter
Neither is meaningful
when heartbreaking is a pebble
thrown into the water that doesn't ripple

Dedication should have been a blessing
lost its charm should one was swinging
Rest sure it was not a loss cause
yet a case of misallocated resource

Disappointment sneaked onto my bed
threatened, wrangled and thrashed
Not a person who would admit defeat
I struggled all night with the beast
and woke up to the morning heat
Though heavily beat
I was delivered through God's merciful feat

Then I realised I was the one
who had compassion much overdone
To part and to die is one's destiny
there's much to do before eternity
So many I have run into
I must share myself with them too

Jesus Christ I love thy
He has His love always on me
and the freedom to love given to me



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