Monday, June 2

Right here waiting no more

If the thoughts of missing a person... are so strong that my faith in You becomes undermined -- it might sound so romantic yet it is not true love. Only when I do everything in Your name I would be worth what You have given to me. Yet I would never be worth what You have given to me... because You died for me when I was still enjoying myself in my many transgressions... If my faith is undermined... what kind of love is left in me? I miss so much that it hurts in my heart... but ain't I a selfish person? There are times my mind wonders far away... I have wondered before how the knowledge of Christ protects me when I am asleep. Frankly, knowledge opens the door to Christ... yet one has to walk into the door and emerge himself in it. Having the knowledge and knowing it as the Truth are two completely different matters. He who has little faith... could very well turn out to be a lazy, selfish person. Yet Your providence is abundant, even to someone like him. Why else You place angels around him? He who is selfish shall pray more. I very much liked the sermon Ms Yip gave last weekend at my church... the teachings were direct like that from a father. The difference is the message she gave was one from the Bible. It's not merely human teaching. Direct yet unselfish. He who is selfish must now know that You have guided him with both a whip and open arms. He who just suffers from his own heartache must realize that there is greater strength in one because of faith. And when he promised to be good, there is only one way-- to heed to the words of You. We who believe in Your strength, turn our thoughts into power through which love can be manifested. No more waiting, ye all.



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