Friday, May 16

Higher ground

Isn't it fair to give up what I don't deserve?
Isn't it just to condemn myself with guilt?
Isn't it noble to back off from achievements that bring on self-importance?
Isn't it shameful to give thanks for Your grace from a mouth with little faith?

Yet they aren't. Not because they are wrong, but because Your way is higher than mine. There is a higher ground that I don't deserve to go to but has to do so. There is a force that turns even what is meant to be evil into goodness. There is love that overcomes the fear of self-importance. And there is grace that reaches even the least faithful. Your grace are the most loving. Yet it is more judging than any law we've known, for it brightens up the darkness in my heart. Isn't it true that I may live above laws? Yet Your loving whip humbles me down on my knees. Worship that glorifies Your name is the only thing I am called for with my life.



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