Tuesday, January 1

Outlook 2008

A few things I am very grateful about:
  • knowing a friend who feels the same as those close to her
  • being someone who brought joy to his friends
  • still alive the first day of 2008
  • I've let You down so many times, yet You are still with me

How's 2008 going to be? I am sure there will be more problems around the world due to the greenhouse effects. And I am sure there will be conflicts, scientific progresses and people who are scornful of the Gospel. Yet, I am sure You always stay in our hearts and come back for us one day. Would I long for you like a bride for her groom?

"Truly, I come quickly. Even so come, Lord Jesus." - Revelation 22:20



At 1/02/2008 9:37 AM, Blogger rhklam said...


At 1/02/2008 1:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks for reminder...

may we learn to long for Christ as a bride for her groom

I am so happy and honored to be blessed with meeting you. It's interesting how God places certain people in our lives to steer us back to Him...

showers of blessings to you and Windy and the upcoming wonderful events to come!! Showers of showers of showers of wonderful joyous blessings!!! =)

At 1/02/2008 2:02 PM, Blogger Dan^2InHim said...

Thanks! And hey hey, leave your name =P

Happy New Year to all of you!


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