Tuesday, October 9

not something I wanna talk about now

I asked myself the question--am I too stupid to do this?
And I asked myself the same question again.
I figured that I could go on and on with more questions.
  • Was it justifiable?
  • Did I cause troubles?
  • Was it my own desire to complete a perfect story?

Guess the bottom line is I did something out of my own effort trying to make things better with my little knowledge and care about how people feel.

I'll admit it was risky. Would I choose to do it, at this point of time? Probably.
But the point is--a stupid person doesn't become any smarter by simply asking. I guess the point of getting smarter is try to experience more and think less. There's a point where too much thinking brings ignorance rather than wisdom out of a person.



At 10/09/2007 6:21 PM, Blogger rhklam said...


At 10/13/2007 3:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dearest Dan Dan
Your heart was in the right place... your motives were pure... but it is true to say that some actions or words are not meant to be at certain times but that's where we leave it up to God- I was inspired by Vivian's prayer tonight that moved me to pass to you this prayer...

Lord my God, we lift up our weaknesses and faults to You... please amend the hurts we've caused whether intentionally or unintentionally caused, please heal the hurts in all parties.

On another note... Dan Dan... your name popped up several times tonight... you would have loved the production WAU set up tonight at CBC... "Taking a Step Forward"- Brilliantly done... something I am sure you would've appreciated.


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