Sunday, June 10

I care

If there is one thing I should write down, I do not want to do it to impress. I announce that I only care about one important being.

LORD, I have faith that YOU will be there for me when I search for the right path to deal with this. I cannot see YOU with my eyes but I already have confidence that YOU will grant me my wishes because of YOUR LOVE. I desire for this great blessing of a being YOU granted me because I care. Still, there is no one I want to impress more than YOU. There is no point in showing YOU my good foot or hiding the bad. I would rather show YOU all my weaknesses and sins in my doings and thoughts. There lies many sharp edges in me. It has already been exhausting to fight against just one of them. I am not sure how I can deal with so many more. Yet YOUR GRACE proves YOUR great name EMMANUEL. As a sinner YOU saved I proclaim YOUR NAME. And YOU said YOU will not forsake who truly seeks YOU. No matter what happens, my heart must rejoice in YOUR NAME. THANK YOU JESUS. No matter what. Time will tell.



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