Tuesday, January 29

Our little inventions in the big picture

We were born with a creative mind. We can imagine things that do not exist and in ways that no second person has thought of. Would anyone disagree that creativity is part of our nature?

Pragmatically speaking, human beings invented many things on earth. The first working laser was demostrated in 1960. Henry Woodward invented light bulb in late 19th century. Fireworks have already been invented by the 12th century in ancient China. Sundials were invented thousand years ago. We, collectively as a species, never stop inventing new things. In fact, we have been making progress in inventing artifical lifeforms.

Figuratively speaking, human beings also invented many ideas in their lives--Harry Porter, The Lord of the Rings, and innumerable seas of written stories and tales, as well as hypotheses, philosophies, entertainments, rules, and customs. It seems that by definition a creative mind strives be different from anything else. Many of them were invented for the good of mankind. Many of them were invented for the good of our own selves.

Whereas it may seem by chance that some intelligent beings like us have dominance over the world, it is not by chance alone. If by chance, the whole earth might not have existed and we would be just fragments of thoughts in the void. Well actually, there might not even be such things as things, ideas or even the void. Whereas it may seem by our hard work that we have dominance over the world, it is not solely by our hard work. Without light, how could there be laser? Without fire, how could there be fireworks? Without a creative mind, how could there be inventions?

A car without an odormeter still runs. But a car without carbon, metal, or even a design may not. Those of us who defy the idea of creation but worship the idol of chance shall come out of their world of little inventions. Those of us who believe the ultimate freedom were to break apart from everything else shall understand that they have no soil to plant themselves within. Those of us who think they have full power over their lives and their world have no idea where they end up going. The physical and mental worlds we live in, after all, were neither created by mere chance nor by our ancestors. Our existence, after all, cannot be explained without the existence of a Creator--He who has given us a creative mind and dominance over the world.


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