Saturday, April 19

He provided

He provided
much to me
It's not that I deserve any

One might say this happens to one and that happens to another
so why bother giving thanks

One might say
"Show Him to me
Let me hear His voice
Let me touch Him
and I'd believe"

Frankly my eyes didn't see Him
my ears didn't hear Him
my hands didn't touch Him
My rational mind didn't draw me any nearer to Him from the distant conclusion that there has to be a Designer

Yet He knocked on my door
I didn't see through the peephole how He looked like
I didn't hear a noise but the knock on the door
I didn't touch nothing and
I couldn't even tell who's on the other side

It's not me who found Him
He came and knocked on my door
Maybe deep in our hearts
there's always a path
that leads Him to us

I claim not I did anything worthy
Take Jesus from me and watch
I would become nothing

I didn't do anything worthy for
what He provided

Thanks for He provided
And most important of all
is Him among us

Praise Him



At 4/23/2008 12:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dan Dan

Check out Wendy's blog

I was in awe of the message
but it was my inner spirit who was filled with joy to read... and I pray that you and Windy will feel this peace and joy...!73EB693ABD222A10!475.trak


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