Friday, August 31


I had my NEO six years late on this Wednesday. NEO, for those who are unfamiliar with the acronym, stands for new employee orientation. Interestingly, it took place after I have been transferred here for almost two months. I was the only transfer among those attended. It was both surprising and delightful that the head person of this region showed up. He shared with us his highlights in the last twelve years in the company and gave us words of encouragement. Wasn't that great? And he was curious about our positions so he asked for a self-introduction from each attendant. When it was my turn, he seemed surprised about my department. "Why are you here?" he asked. "It was my personal preference," said I. I suppose that was not the best response one could have made. I guess I was just as startled by his to-the-point question. That was an embarassing moment but things went on as if the exchange didn't happen.

Aside from that, I was previously informed over email that I wouldn't be getting a seat anytime before Feburary. During NEO that day, I met the HR person who is in charge of office space. I introduced myself to her in the hallway. Now that we have personally met, I hope she would keep her word.

The same day, I ran into the person who had helped explain to me the company phone plan over email. She turned out to be a really really nice person. Not only that she re-assured that she would process my application should I get manager approval, she also took me in to take a picture for my new badge, something that I haven't got for the last few months. By the end of the day, she handed to me my new badge so now I can enter and leave freely.



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