Wednesday, January 31

Baby step

It was truthful sharing I had with you. It was a selfish story about a calculating person. It would be easily overlooked in the community as you would only see me together with those who are close to me. When it comes to a small bonded circle, the trait is easily seen. Could it be competition, cross-influence and the lack of security during childhood? I don't know. I tried to be completely frank with you. When you pushed too hard, I would let you know. And I tried hard to refrain from making excuses while trying to let you understand every thought in my mind. Though I was whining, you pointed out my flaw. I was ashamed and wanted to move on. But the last thing I wanted was to flee from my weakness and your words. One story, two stories and three you slowly went over. Stories that were righteous, stories that were heartwarming, stories that were personal. Though my image in your heart has been discredited, your hand according to the love of God tightly hanged on to this naked soul...

I struggled about whether to write down any of the story today. I doubted if I could remain steadfast if I would. But I am sure God has been protecting me with His unpararelled love, through my family, through my career, through my friends, through my brothers and sisters in Christ, and most of all, through you. He placed you in the core of my heart and kept showing me His unfailing love time after time. As the mountains would roar if people didn't sing of His grace, I must also exalt the ever-loving Lord most high. He is worthy of our utmost praise!

And now I will choose to keep my words few, while I am taking baby steps to get closer to you.



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